
Abundance from Inspired State

Amongst the grueling work and fearful moments,
In pursuit for money and security of life,
Lies a tiny playful ray of light,
The light that tickles us to create wealth with fun and passion,
The light that guides us to expose our joyful essence

How would it feel to live our life from an inspired state?,
What treasures, what divine blissful states may we uncover?
Who are our playmates?
How can we be open to abundance?
Abundance that is there for us in any single moment.
That is our birthright, the source of who we are

Oh thy divine master, cosmic clown, our creative source
Here I decree to follow a path of passion, fun and joy,
To create with wild abandonment,
To look for inspiration in every little thing,
To laugh and giggle with a child’s laughter
To co-create with source
To give my self permission to express the real me

Vitaly Geyman

Challenge to a Duel

Our life is a blank canvas,
We choose the picture that we wish to paint,
What colors shall it be?
What shall we gift this world through our expression?
What places do we dare to travel within ourselves?

I challenge you to duel of love and juicy self- expression,
I challenge you to path of bliss, and fun and laughter,
Do you accept my challenge? Yes?
Then we are on !

" Secrets to Wealth" Cable TV Series In The Making

Photography by Vitaly Geyman

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